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We often confuse business qualities and abilities for success.

The first are common to all people, the latter – are as much a talent as playing violin, science prowess or the gift of a master-chef. In other words, not everyone can be a businessman, but everyone must perfect his business qualities. And here’s why.

Abilities for success is the skill to turn the results of your action into monetary equivalent. Their presence gives completion to man’s actions and brings the sense of happiness. Abilities for success help the man to correctly use the given resource. But they manifest differently for different people types:

  • They help “Creative” (those who create products and services) to organize the process of creation and find connection with consumption objects.

  • “Businessmen” can correctly organize and reroute financial flows in the broadest sense of the word. Pay attention, business abilities are not connected with production. They’re connected with the skill to expand, move and redistribute the capital in business processes.

  • Businessman perceives the connection “product-service-money” as a process and hires people for its organization. He lives in the flows of multiplication of those processes.

  • Creative realizes in processes of product or service creation and hires people capable of organizing a business process. He live in flows of creation.

Sustainability and wealth are inherent to both types and are connected to the development of business qualities. They’re and important way of communication with people, a consequence of understanding your desires and possibilities, of the core of man’s activity, nature of interconnection between people and the skill to see the perspective for every participant of business interaction.

Abilities for success are also connection to the inner sense of leadership, the skill to set priorities and to create successful professional unions.

Leadership as a man’s skill of being himself is an important part of man’s business qualities, the foundation of his relationships with people, self-esteem and confidence. Such leadership is created by opening the inner resource of a man, it assumes discipline, but doesn’t assume pressure on others.

Abilities for success are an important instrument of realizing the life goal. They’re present in both types, only develop and manifest differently. When you know which one you are – creative or businessman, look for hints and recommendations that develop your business qualities. Among other things, it can be done like that

© 2014, Naomi Lyubimov

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