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Fusion Enneagram

typology of personality communication skills



Today many effective personality type classifications exist. Enneatypology has an honorable place among them. It’s main difference – the accent on understand personal motivations and on “built-in” personality perception models. Fusion-Enneagram bring understanding and acceptance, gives warmth to relationships and dependency to action. Making conversation soulful, it gives practicality and understanding of the core of those relationships.


Enneatypology is also surprisingly effective in business communications, including staff casting, staff compatibility evaluations and so on. It can be used to pre-evaluate an employee, colleague or partner before the direct contact with them. It teaches to values the difference between people and can become a magic wand for building relationships in the collective.


And on this page is a VIDEO LIBRARY of all-time favorite movies, in which personality type are so recognizable.


Trinity of Information Perception


Every one of us is interested to know, what are our perspectivesin relationships with friends, colleagues, people close to us. All of us are interested in what makes our personality special.

Enneatypology describes our own personality type with simple language. It can also "give a tip" about how long or short, shallow or deep, open or tense can our relationships be.

Picture 2 shows how the "map" of the nine communication models looks. Next is the introductory information about each type. The word "enneagramm" means "nine typefaces". For convenience, the personality types in enneatypology are placed in circle. They are divided into 3 trinities:


Types 2, 3, 4 - Trinity of emotion.
Types 5, 6, 7 - Trinity of intellect.
Types 8, 9, 1 - Trinity of instinct.


This is because a man is "trained" to perceive information through one of the main channels - emotions, intellect or instinct.

An important characteristic of personality types is their point of return. This is a part of personality's structure. If a man doesn't develop, he generates fears*, which interfere with his ability to accept and receive. This is the basis for understanding man's reaction to situations.


*Fears are information about potential threats, real or imaginary, which causes blocking reactions on subconscious level.


Personality types: Points of identification


Trinity of emotion


Personality type 2, Helping, Dependent, Sacrificing: Two's "point of identification" is pride. Two's fear of loneliness is expressed through pride, and is compensated through his ambition to "latch on" to someone.


Personality type 3, Achiever, Executor, Careerist: Three's "point of identification" is imitation. Three's fear of loneliness is expressed through imitation, and is compensated through his need to ritualize relationships.


Personality type 4, Individualist, Expressive, Dramatic: Four's "point of identification" is envy. Four's fear of loneliness is expressed through envy, and is compensated through his need for attention.


Trinity of intellect


Personality type 5, Observer, Researcher: Five's "point of identification" is miserliness. Five's fear of losing control is expressed through miserliness, and is compensated through constant observation.


Personality type 6, Skeptic, Doubting, Loyal: Six's "point of identification" is doubt. Six's fear of losing control is expressed through doubt, and is compensated through the need to "be in the loop".


Personality type 7, Pragmatist, Adventurer, Fun loving: Seven's "point of identification" is gluttony. Seven's fear of losing control is expressed through gluttony, and is compensated through non-stop activity.


Trinity of instinct


Personality type 8, Leader, Influencing, Confident: Eight's "point of identification" is passion. Eight's fear of revealing feelings is expressed through passion, and is compensated by energetic ending of appearing emotional connection.


Personality type 9, Peaceful, Adapting, Patient: Nine's "point of identification" is sloth. Nine's fear of revealing feelings is expressed through sloth, and is compensated through silence.


Personality type 1, Demanding, Conscientious, Pioneer: One's "point of identification" is sadness. One's fear of revealing feelings is expressed through sadness, and is compensated through shunning.







Fusion Enneagram, typology of personality communication skills, Patent 13402 from 14.06.2005, Naomi Polina lyubimova





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