Symbolic design
Man began to use symbols long before speech. Lacking language, man was able to take in information, process it, then store it, and send it to other people using gestures, sounds, and symbols. Furthermore, symbols have always been an integral part of religious rites and rituals.
Like the physical body is exposed to a myriad of invisible influences of elementary particles, the course of human thinking is exposed to billions of invisible characters or symbols that only exist in the field of information and discourse of a particular individual. This informational-symbolic field is created by communications and interactions with other people, news channels, internet, television, movies, books, technology, art, and various other creative human activities.
A symbol is an element of knowledge. The information in the subconscious mind and the P-Zone (a field of human potential) is stored as symbols. At a specific time point, symbols become activated.
P-Zone forms a field of human knowledge. This knowledge is the source for creative, scientific, and other achievements of a person throughout life.
Through symbols, we perceive new ideas. Symbols are necessary for our communication with each other. Due to symbolic models, ideas spread around the world at large, explaining the effect of concurrent scientific discoveries. If we turn to the memoirs of great scientists or artists, they often talk about how they first perceived their revolutionary concept in the form of symbols (in the form of visualization or in the form of dreams). Then, and only then, they managed to translate that information on the level of speech.
All of this is no accident. Symbols are transmitted to man by means of flow states. Flow is perceived by consciousness before language. Flow creates metaphors in human perception. In fact, the flow is a symbolic modeling of concepts and ideas. Flow also explains the synesthetic effects in perception.
Flow states are needed for development of human potential. The flow state is a condition in which a person is able to solve problems and perform tasks.
All of this is no accident. Symbols are transmitted to man by means of flow states. Flow is perceived by consciousness before language. Flow creates metaphors in human perception. In fact, the flow is a symbolic modeling of concepts and ideas. Flow also explains the synesthetic effects in perception.
Synesthesia is a mixture of sensations. Synesthesia appears when there are partial connections between adjacent regions of the brain that have not been properly trimmed. Most people have synesthesia as an auxiliary tool and its work is unconscious in nature.
Symbols have a huge impact on people as they free energy up for action. For this energy to be creative and lead to the desired results, the person must be able to coordinate and synchronize the activity of logic and intuition. Unfortunately, the symbols of the P-Zone may not be fully perceived due to informational noise*. Thus, they turn into a loss for the person. This loss can come in many forms: loss of achievements or relationships, lost profits or credit, or it could even be an irreversible loss of future possibilities.
Symbolic design facilitates preservation of symbols from our P-Zone. Symbolic design determines which symbols or images from the P-Zone are active in the subconscious mind of man at the present.**
As a procedure, symbolic design represents a collection of images that reflect upon visual stimuli of the subconscious as they relate to the active areas of the P-Zone. In turn, synaesthetic analysis allows us to identify these symbolic areas. The Gallery, composed of chosen symbols, will help you to get an idea of what people are working with while using symbolic design.
Thus, symbolic design allows us to focus our attention, find out our strengths and our vulnerable areas in the present time. When a person focuses on the present, his or her actions are adequate and timely. This optimizes the expenditure of mental and physical powers by allowing the organization of the processes of communication to occur naturally.
In other words, symbolic design significantly reduces the entropy of a human and his or her communications. This is a direct path to ones's stability in their relationships with other people and success.
All in all, Symbolic design is a fascinating and informative activity that facilitates our choices from multiple possibilities on our path to success.
*Informational noise, in this case, is deformations of human perception that interfere with person’s intuitive and logical interaction with information.
**Both the conscious and subconscious mind can understand images. The conscious mind "reads" them as thoughts, and the subconscious "sees" them as a collection of symbols. This possibility of information transfer between subconscious and conscious mind is utilized in symbolic design.
When combined into images or groups, symbols create informational models, which help a person to perceive the knowledge from P-Zone. Symbols are delivered by intuition (the right brain hemisphere), while the images are decrypted by logic and memory (the left brain hemisphere)