The P-Zone: a zone of human potential
The P-Zone is a model of the man's future.
We know that a human has consciousness. We know that a human can think. However, so far there is no a generally accepted definitions of human consciousness or how thinking process is organized.
Science allows us to construct models for the study based on already known features of the object. Therefore, we can study the mind and consciousness, taking into consideration their manifestations in the human life.
Why do we need models? The model allows us to structure what is still unknown, helps positioning the study. The model provides an opportunity for cooperation of different scientific fields.
Models allow scientists to conduct exciting research on awareness, human thought processes, flow conditions, synesthesia, and other healthy or pathological manifestations of human brain activity.
Human potential is a topic that contains many issues related to inherited and acquired qualities. Psychology, social sciences, phenomenological philosophy, and neuroscience have produced a lot of data describing the process of human development. Based on data from interdisciplinary research, we have created a model to explain the processes associated with the human potential and human development.
We have identified a module that we call an area of human potential or P-Zone. This assumption (that P-Zone exists) helps to investigate interactions between consciousness, thinkiing processes, and human potential, and at the same time, allows us making additions as new data become available.
• The type of personality, talents, aptitudes and abilities of a human, the way of thinking, genetics and memetics – all are included in the area of human potential, or P-Zone.
• Social strata, money, and communication systems set the conditions for development of this potential.
• Success arises as a result of the interaction between human potential (P-Zone) and the conditions of its development.
P-Zone forms a field of human knowledge. This knowledge is the source for creative, scientific, and other achievements of a person throughout life.
Notably, in this model, human self-actualization is a consequence of development of the human potential. Accordingly, the predestination of the human is an actualization of his or her birth purpose. This is a result of interactions between an individuum with a group of people. This predestination is actualized through expansion of communications of the human during the process of development of P-Zone. Therefore, this model unites a human with the surrounding social milieu.
Note, the monetary situation of the person is given at birth and is a prerequisite for the development of the potential. This suggests that success brings money, but the very existence of the money does not equal to success.
Potential and the circumstances for it development are given at birth, but a human has freedom of choice. An individual can and must strive for success, joy, and happiness. To do this, a human needs the willpower and motivation, as well as meanings and values that define human life.
More about practical issues of human potential development can be found here.
GLOSSARY familiarizes you with the terminology required for the study of human potential.
* Frequently, P-Zone or area of human potential is called destiny in everyday life.