Glossary, definitions
The man was always interested in the mystery of his birth, the meaning and purpose of his life. The desire to understand the First Cause lead to different confrontation between faith and religion, religion and science, science and psychology, psychology and medicine and so on.
Today it show in the mess of definitions, in not separating mystical, transcendent and transpersonal in definition of man. And, on the level of daily consciousness, mystical is lowered to the level of extrasensory, and transcendent – esoteric.
So let’s be exact:
Mystical – the experience of comprehending the highest states of man and world on the level of feelings and senses.
Transcendent – the same experience on the level of knowledge.
Transpersonal – the abilities of man beyond the bounds of common senses necessary for a complete comprehension of the world, life purpose and life plan (program).
This is also the reason in the growing interest in synesthesia which demonstrates new norms of man’s sensory perceptions of the world.
Life purpose – the direction of development of the man’s soul, it’s reflected in his destiny.
Life program – variants, mini-scripts of man’s life, the program of development of his personality. Its task is to maximally support the revelation of abilities and possibilities of the man. It manifests through the circumstances of our life and is necessary for self-realization. Life program is an instrument of reaching man’s life purpose. For every active are of the purpose there is a life program.
Symbol – an element of knowledge from man’s life program. When connected symbols create images.
Images can be perceived by both conscious and subconscious of the man. It happens when the symbols of subconscious are completed by man’s intuition. Then his memory and logic are able to process the received information.
Active symbol zone – the reflection of the result in symbols, which a man can receive at the set time.
Action of symbols can be unrecognized, but can’t be unconscious. If we don’t recognize them, we lose them and by that distort something important for us.
In normal life man constantly received symbolic hints (for example in a dream, as a random message, etc.). But they can be unrecognized or unnoticed by the man.
Man’s limits – the bounds of his space-time continuum. They’re strictly individual. Through it occurs a constant flow movement of knowledge, information, energy and mass, inherent to that man. They are the result of his activity and the instrument of interaction with others.
Connections between people are built through complementary correspondences of those continuums.
Other connections, outside of continuum create entanglements of human communications. They’re either short-lived, unrealizable, or don’t bring satisfaction.
Sign of a man being in his STC – harmonic pleasure and results, which we receive from our activity and relationships with people.
Man’s inner processes
Unconscious – self-regulation occurs on account of physiological and biochemical properties of the body (breath, blood flow, digestion and others). There is no man’s choice in unconscious.
Unrecognized – self-regulation occurs with man’s behavior models based on his information perception. It’s an unrecognized choice the man makes through the prism of his values, beliefs, fears and convictions.
Conscious – a conscious choice on the level of man’s life program.
Choice – always an independent, but not always recognized, action of man.