P-Prognostics uses information from the P-Zone as information about our future and investigates three main objectives:
1. Determination of probability for an event(s) in the the P-Zone.
2. Time frames for the event.
3. Setting priorities for corresponding action.
In simple terms, P-prognostics helps to identify what we can actually achieve as a result of our actions.
P-Prognostics is the determination of probabilities of events generated by active areas of the P-Zone. Probability in our prognostics refers to opportunities created by different human actions. The probability can only be determined for a process. Process is defined as a series of interrelated actions. These actions, in our prognostics model, are called facts. Note that P-Prognostics is a prognostics for processes.
Individual actions can make the circumstances of our lives, but these actions are not the objects of our study. Generally, single actions (but not processes) are present in the systems with a high level of turbulence.
Thus, the probability is not an accident or a certain intersection of unpredictable factors. Probability is the ratio of opportunities present in the P-Zone to the achieved results. This probability is valid for a specific period of time.
There are two main types of probability; general (or directing) and operational (or current) probabilities of events.
A. General probability
General probabilities indicate the presence of an opportunity and the resources for its implementation in the P-Zone. Such great achievements as the discovery of the theory of relativity or the structure of DNA, the creation of a successful startup, writing an opera, victory at the presidential election, etc, are always noticeable in the P-Zone.
Therefore, the first task of P-Prognostics is determination of general probability of prognosis e.i. information of the event taking place in the P-Zone. If such probability exists, then a person must actualize it. This is because the general probability is our obligation to ourselves and to others.
B. Operational probability
Sometimes, it takes a considerable amount of time from the inception of the idea to its recognition. Operational probabilities show a deviation of the current result from the optimum result (given in the P-Zone) for each phase of the project realization. P-Prognostics is always connected with a specific period of time. Thus, operational probability is a change (increase or decrease) of the probability of the specific event occurring within a given timeframe.
The operational probabilities are determined by studies of the flow states. The greater our skills to operate in the flow, the higher the probability of attaining success.
Time is a significant factor in prognostics, since it is time that synchronizes human communications. Prognostics helps to determine both our capabilities and the time frame during which we must actualize an inherent potential.
Although our achievements mature inside of us, they must be accepted by other people. The time frame indicates when the circumstances or coincidences will occur and allows a person to be in the right place at the right time. The correct time for action is the second task of prognostics.